
Japanese Foreign Minister's Award

The Pentel ICAE Foreign Minister's Award is given to just 10 honorees and selected from thousands of enteries worldwide. They undergo a months-long selection process directed by distinguished representaitives from the Foundation of Art Education in Japan. Artwork is judged on the basis of originality, clearly expressed content, and cultural expression.  

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Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

A Family
(AGE 7)

FM  'A Family'  Mykhailo Klishch  Ukraine  7 years old  .jpg__PID:5b578981-82cf-4d94-b8a4-32bbee842c2c

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

Cycling Track
(Age 7)

FM  'Cycling Track'  Kavish Patel  India  7 years old  .jpg__PID:57898182-cfed-4438-a432-bbee842c2c27

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

Grand Mother and Me
(Age 6)
Sri Lanka

FM  'Grand Mother and Me'  Don Shanudi Ashinsa Samarasinghe Rathnayake  Sri Lanka  6 years old .jpg__PID:898182cf-ed94-48a4-b2bb-ee842c2c27c5

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

Life is Beautiful
(Age 9)

FM  'Life is Beautiful'  Azzouni Lina  Switzerland  9 years old  .jpg__PID:8182cfed-9438-4432-bbee-842c2c27c5cb

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

Me Upside Down
(Age 10)

FM  'Me Upside Down'  Blanka Kulczycka  Poland  10 years old  .jpg__PID:82cfed94-38a4-42bb-ae84-2c2c27c5cb7d

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

My Beautiful Chicken
(Age 8)

FM  'My Beautiful Chicken'  Khochagorn Yodkhau  Thailand  8 years old  .jpg__PID:cfed9438-a432-4bee-842c-2c27c5cb7d8e

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

Paradise under the Feets of Mothers
(Age 14)

FM  'Paradise under the Feets of Mothers'  Nuraltyeva Laylo Marat qizi  Uzbekistan  14 years old  .jpg__PID:9fea95fb-5b57-4981-82cf-ed9438a432bb

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

Portrait of My Sister
(Age 12)

FM  'Portrait of My Sister'  Borislav Ulianov Marinov  Bulgaria  12 years old  .jpg__PID:ea95fb5b-5789-4182-8fed-9438a432bbee

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

Riding My Bike
(Age 9)

FM  'Riding My Bike'  Balogh Tunde  Hungary  9 years old  .jpg__PID:95fb5b57-8981-42cf-ad94-38a432bbee84

Japanese Foreign Minister's
Award Winner

(Age 8)
Hong Kong

FM  'Swimming'  Chen Xiyu  China (Hong Kong)  8 years old  .jpg__PID:fb5b5789-8182-4fed-9438-a432bbee842c

My Beautiful Chicken
(Age 8)

Officially approved by Public Interest Incorporated Foundation of Japan for Culture of Art Education (Biiku Bunka Kyokai)


Our mission

Pentel believes that art encompasses all the developmental domains and fosters creativity in children. It can assist in developing their imagination and enhancing their decision making skills. Promoting creativity through art helps develop a child’s intelligence and personality and gives children the opportunity to express a personal statement about their uniqueness. 

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